PCT Blog

Person Irresponsible


PCT: Day 10 (over and out for a bit)

All UK business up to date. Friends contacted. Emails sent. Blog updated. Pics uploaded. News read. Coffee quaffed and pizza guzzled. Podcasts downloaded. Clothes washed. Equipment re-sanitised. Bag re-packed. Post Office visited. Visa card exploited. Blisters tended to. Hotel changed. Next route researched.

And yet they call this a ‘zero’ day.

Pack now full to capacity with enough water for twenty-four hours, and food for ten days. 1,200 foot slog uphill on a slow walk to Warner Springs - because I need its post office, which will be closed on the Sunday. I hope to find a tent waiting for me. Then six days more to Idyllwild, where I need to buy snow chains for my feet, an ice-axe and hopefully some new socks. Storms incoming as is snow.

Back in ten days.

Reviews of
'Everything You Ever Taught Me"